What can you tell me about your down fills?

What can you tell me about your down fills?

All DeWoolfson down and feather fills originate from Europe, with washing, rinsing and sorting in the U.S.A.
The fill is washed in state-of-the-art equipment, using quality soaps, emulsifiers, and solutions designed for cleaning down fill. All fill is subjected to continued cleaning and rinsing cycles to assure cleanliness and purity. The fill is then temperature dried and air sorted to assure compliance with our quality standards for down and feather content and fill power. The fill is then carefully sorted to separate down from feathers, according to DeWoolfson’s quality standards.

Filling operations at DeWoolfson's North Carolina plant







Filling operations at DeWoolfson’s North Carolina plant.

The warmth of a comforter is determined by the amount of down fill (measured in ounces) and by the quality of the fill (measured by fill power).

• The measurement of the ability of down to loft and trap air.
• 1 ounce of 750 fill down will fill a volume of 750 cubic inches.

Is one better?

• The average fill power for most down products is approximately 550 cubic inches. For comparison, below is a representation of DeWoolfson’s 650 and 750 fill power down.
• 750 fill power down is 15 percent warmer and fluffier.

DEWOOLFSON comforter fill power

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